There seems to be a problem when switching from a Brume app to another app in full screen. After switching twice, the engine aborts at:
> Brume.exe!Brume.DirectX9GraphicApi.ResetDevice() Line 155 C#
Brume.exe!Brume.DirectX9GraphicApi.AttemptGraphicCardRecovery() Line 106 + 0x8 bytes C#
Brume.exe!Brume.Brume.OnApplicationIdle(object sender = {System.Threading.Thread}, System.EventArgs e = {System.EventArgs}) Line 257 + 0xc bytes C#
[External Code]
Brume.exe!Brume.Brume.Play() Line 224 + 0x7 bytes C#
Brume.exe!Brume.Tests.Game.RunDemo() Line 2234 + 0x7 bytes C#
Brume.exe!Brume.Tests.Game.Main() Line 2242 + 0xa bytes C#
You can test it with the Brume showcase (but run it in fullscreen)
Switch back and forth to another app a couple of times -> crash
Could you please have a look, that would be great, thanks